Hier der Klappentext:
Kristen Simmons' fast-paced, gripping YA dystopian series continues in "Three."
Ember Miller and Chase Jennings are ready to stop running. After weeks spent in hiding as two of the Bureau of Reformation's most wanted criminals, they have finally arrived at the safe house, where they hope to live a safe and quiet existence.
And all that's left is smoking ruins.
Devastated by the demolition of their last hope, Ember and Chase follow the only thing left to them tracks leading away from the wreckage. The only sign that there may have been survivors.
With their high profile, they know they can't stay out in the open for long. They take shelter in the wilderness and amidst the ruins of abandoned cities as they follow the tracks down the coast, eventually finding refugees from the destroyed safe house. Among them is someone from Chase's past someone he never thought he'd see again.
Banding together, they search for a place to hide, aiming for a settlement a few of them have heard about a settlement that is rumored to house the nebulous organization known as Three. The very group that has provided Ember with a tiny ray of hope ever since she was first forced on the run.
Three is responsible for the huge network of underground safe houses and resistance groups across the country. And they may offer Ember her only chance at telling the world her story.
At fighting back.
Ember Miller and Chase Jennings are ready to stop running. After weeks spent in hiding as two of the Bureau of Reformation's most wanted criminals, they have finally arrived at the safe house, where they hope to live a safe and quiet existence.
And all that's left is smoking ruins.
Devastated by the demolition of their last hope, Ember and Chase follow the only thing left to them tracks leading away from the wreckage. The only sign that there may have been survivors.
With their high profile, they know they can't stay out in the open for long. They take shelter in the wilderness and amidst the ruins of abandoned cities as they follow the tracks down the coast, eventually finding refugees from the destroyed safe house. Among them is someone from Chase's past someone he never thought he'd see again.
Banding together, they search for a place to hide, aiming for a settlement a few of them have heard about a settlement that is rumored to house the nebulous organization known as Three. The very group that has provided Ember with a tiny ray of hope ever since she was first forced on the run.
Three is responsible for the huge network of underground safe houses and resistance groups across the country. And they may offer Ember her only chance at telling the world her story.
At fighting back.
Meine Meinung:
Das Cover ist natürlich ganz anders, als die Cover der deutschen Vorgänger. Ich fidne es aber trotzdem ziemlich passend.
Ich muss sagen, der Umstieg auf das Englische war gar nicht so leicht und es hat etwas gezogen, bis ich wieder in der Geschichte drinnen war. Es ist aus der Ich-Perspektive von Ember geschrieben. Teilweise waren die Kapitel etwas lang.
Die Geschichte geht hier spannend weiter. Endlich wird das Geheimnis um Drei in diesem Teil gelöst. Leider ist nur nicht immer alles, so wie es scheint und schließlich geht es für die Beiden nur noch darum zu überleben.
Die Entwicklung der Charaktere war sehr spannend. Ember und Chase sind auch in diesem Teil ein tolles Team. Sie beide tragen Narben der Vergangenheit, aber sie stützen sich gegenseitig. Die Entwicklung von Tucker war sehr spannend. Zudem konnte ich mich langsam auch endlich mit Chase Onkel anfreunden. Wie gesagt, es ist nicht immer alles, wie es scheint.
Am Anfang hat sich die Geschichte für mich leider ein wenig gezogen. Aber ab der Mitte wurde es besser. Die Ereignisse haben sich ziemlich überschlagen und es war dann wieder durchwegs spannend. Zudem kommen in diesem Buch auch noch ziemlich viele Wahrheiten zum Vorschein.
Gelungener Abschluss einer Triologie, auch wenn es sich etwas gezogen hat. Dafür hat mir die Charakterentwicklung - vor allem der Nebencharaktere - sehr gefallen - von mir 4 von 5 Sternen.
Autorin: Kristen Simmons
Verlag: Starscape
Sprache: Englisch
Veröffentlichung: 20. Januar 2015
ISBN-10: 0765329638
ISBN-13: 978-0765329639
Seiten: 320
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