Heute mal wieder ein englische Rezi für euch ;)
Hier der Klappentext:
Fate changer Daisy Layne is nervous about searching Europe for a
firstborn son doomed to die on his eighteenth birthday. But she’s the
only one who can save him. No pressure or anything. She needs the help
of guide Andrei Vasile, who she’s been talking to online for two years.
Still, meeting him in person…that’s a whole different story.
Andrei is determined to keep Daisy safe, even if touching her could kill him. At least, that’s what his family has told him about fate changers like Daisy. She’s strong and beautiful, and it’s his job to keep her alive. Unfortunately, what she doesn’t know could kill her.
Save a life. End a curse. And never, ever get too close...
Andrei is determined to keep Daisy safe, even if touching her could kill him. At least, that’s what his family has told him about fate changers like Daisy. She’s strong and beautiful, and it’s his job to keep her alive. Unfortunately, what she doesn’t know could kill her.
Save a life. End a curse. And never, ever get too close...
Meine Meinung:
The cover is looking quite nice. The kissing pair for sure ist not everyones taste, and unfortunately not 100% mine. Maybe because Daisy - from her own description, was also looking quite differently. The light between their lips looks quite mysterious, which fits to the story, although it's not really about magic kisses overall. The diagonal shape of the titel I like quite much.
The writing style was quite simple. It was written from the perspective of Andrei and Daisy ( but no first-person-perspecitve). The length of the chapters was nice.
The characteres were also "okay". I no that sounds bad. But I think "okay" is a fitting term. Daisy and Andrei were nice, but also nothing more than that. I missed a little bit, that the had no real edges and were a little dull. Also I couldn't really connect with them, which might also have to do with the story itself.
When I read the story idea about a fate changer, I got really interested. I wanted to know everything about Fate-Changers and this world, the author made up. However, I got quite disappointed. The story was quite flat and also a little dull. There was no "deep" information or description of the fate-changer idea. I wished for so much, but got so little. Maybe that's the reason, why I am overall quite disappointed with the book. It was not totally bad. Not at all. I liked the traveling around of the characters. I was not really satisified with the end so - as I predicted it a long time in advance.
Maybe some of my disappointment can be blamed on the fact that I read this book in the series without knowing the other parts. Although I think, that is for sure not 100% the reason. There were quite a few allusions on the other parts - but I did not feel like, I was missing a lot there.
The story was a little flat, the characteres were nice, but nothing else. Also I could not really connect with the book. As it was still a time-filling book for inbetween, I will give the book 3 out of 5 stars ;)
Autorin: Brenda Drake
Verlag: Entangled: Crave
Sprache: Englisch
Veröffentlichung: 3. September 2018
ISBN-10: 3522506227
ISBN-13: 978-3522506229
Seiten: 196
(Daten beziehen sich auf die Print-Ausgabe)
I thank Netgalley and the Publisher for the review copy <3
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