Hier der Klappentext:
The kingdom of Runon has created the impossible: a magical energy source
that siphons life from the nearby lands and feeds it back into Runon
itself. On the edge of the forest lives a quiet ranger named Tatsu who
is watching the drain grow closer to his home country of Chayd. Arrested
for crimes against the crown, Tatsu is taken to the capital’s prison,
where the queen offers him a deal. If he sneaks into Runon and steals
the magical source that powers the drain, she will return his freedom.
Caught in the unimaginable aftermath, Tatsu knows that the only hope is
to stop the siphon before it swallows the world. More and more he finds
himself at the mercy of the destruction the siphon leaves behind – and
everything he has ever known will fall apart in the revelation of its
horrifying truth.
(Quelle: amazon)Meine Meinung:
For me the cover looks really inviting and magical. I like the roots of the trees and also the writing of the title. The small palace on the top is also a nice detail.
The writing style was fluent and simple. The book is written from the third-person-perspective, but manly focused on the main character Tatsu.
Unfortunatly, I had great issues at the beginning of the book. I was not getting warm with the characters and the story. Somehow, I didn't see the red thread in the story and was a little confused. What also disturbed me a little, that there was the feeling that Alesh and Tatsu might have a important past together, but too little information to understand their relationship to each other.
Tatsu was a nice character, living alone in the woods and content with his life. But through some incidents, he was thrown in quite an adventure. It observable, that he had some troubles, finding his role in this story. But at the end he made some nice character developments, warming me a little to his person. Nearly the other characteres (I have one small exception, I do not want to mention in person for spoiler reasons) in the story felt a little bit lifless. I never really got a feeling for them.
I also hardly got a feeling for the story. After my troubles at the beginning, I still had issues and no real clue, where the story would lead. However, I really liked the surprise, what the life siphon is. From then on the story was becoming more interesting. Also it still felt unclear, what the purpose of all this is.
Nice characters, surprising discovery, but for me no red thread was traceable - therefore I give the book 3 out of 5 stars :)
Autorin: Kathryn Sommerlot
Verlag: Independently published
Sprache: English
Veröffentlichung: 10. März 2017
ISBN-10: 1521195420
ISBN-13: 978-1521195420
Seiten: 298
(Daten beziehen sich auf die Print-Ausgabe)
Thanks to the author and netgalley for the review copy.
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