Montag, 25. November 2019

Cupid's Match, Lauren Palphreyman

Heute mal wieder eine englische Rezi für euch :)

Hier der Klappentext:
Cupid isn't a myth. He's Lila Black's perfect match.
In a world where everyone has their perfect match, seventeen-year-old Lila Black is sick of Cupid's Matchmaking Service spamming her.
But her world is turned inside out when she learns not only that cupids exist, but that she's been matched with the infamous god of love, Cupid.
The only catch? She can't actually fall for Cupid; if she does, all of mythical hell will break loose, and it won't be pretty . . .
As arrows fly and feelings become stronger, can Cupid and Lila resist each other's magnetic pull?
And will Lila find herself part of a deadly supernatural war that could cost her life, and her heart?
(Quelle: amazon)

Meine Meinung:
I really like the colour-play of the cover. The blue and yellow arrow-parts make a fine contrast to the red background. Also the white title with it's small spirals is quite appealing.

The writing style was fluent and easy. The story is written from the personal view of Lila. The main idea of the book was quite interesting. Although the idea of Cupid or also of a adaptation of this mythological figure are not really new ideas, the realisation was interesting. The Match-Making-Service with all his rules and different arrows and rebel group was a quite innovative idea. 

Lila was a nice girl with a good heart. Her family and her friend Charlie are really important for her, so the situation with this tangling danger over her head is quite hard for her. However, despite her fears she shows how brave she can be in several situations.
Cal was also a interesting character - a classic good guy in a lot of situations. During the story there was only a glimpse of his true soul visible through his mask, but I guess there will be more seen of him in further books.
Cupid was a quite diverse character. On one hand he played the cool and nonchalant guy, but on the other he showed his true nature - which also is a quite loving good guy.

The story was quite enthralling - including emotional and action parts in a nice composition. There were fights, but also dances and talks and much more. Also the whole world displayed was fascinating and coherent. 

The showdown was quite action-driven and thrilling. The end then was a little bit open. Which leaves room for speculation for the other parts.
I must say here, that I hope, that the author is not going more in the love-triangle direction, as I am not such a big fan of that.

New adaptation of old myths with interesting various characters, nice action scenes and emotional dialogs - I give the book narrow 5 out of 5 stars :).

Autorin:  Lauren Palphreyman
Verlag: Penguin
Sprache: Englisch
Veröffentlichung: 3. Oktober 2019
ISBN-10:  0241438896
ISBN-13: 978-0241438893
Seiten: 384
(Daten beziehen sich auf die Print-Ausgabe)

Vielen Dank an Netgalley und den Verlag für das Reziexemplar <3
Thank you to Netgalley for the review copy <3

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