Dienstag, 12. November 2019

The Tales of the Wendy 1 - The Wendy, Erin Michelle Sky & Steven Brown

Heute mal wieder eine englische Rezi für euch :)

Hier der Klappentext:
London. 1789. More than anything in the world, Wendy Darling wants to be the captain of a ship, but no one believes a woman can be a navy captain. No one, that is, except Wendy Darling.
When she learns the Home Office is accepting a handful of women into its ranks, she jumps at the chance, joining the fight against the most formidable threat England has ever faced. Magic.

But the secret service isn't exactly what she hoped. Accompanied by a reimagined cast of the original Peter Pan, Wendy soon discovers that her dreams are as far away as ever, that choosing sides isn't as simple as she thought, and that the only man who isn't blinded by her gender might be the worst friend anyone could ask for.

Anyone, that is, except Wendy Darling.
(Quelle: amazon)

Meine Meinung:
The cover is quite appealing. I really like the golden Title. Also Wendy with her sword is quite impressing.
The writing style of the book was fluent and easy to read. It also suited the setting in the 18th century. The story is written from the view of the author, also often the feelings and thoughts of Wendy are included.

Wendy is a stubborn girl (and later woman) in this book. She does not want to be like every other girl of this time and tries to find her own path. However, this path is not often easy. She comes across a view quite interesting other characters. It was nice, that she got her own gang, which was having her back no matter what. I also liked the characterization of Hook in this book. Certainly quite different then in the original, but nevertheless fascinating. It was nice to see the contrast of Peter's and Hook's view on Wendy. The authors included in this fairy-tale now also a quite political part, which makes you think about patriarchism and your point on the topic. Also the description of this opinions was quite suitable to the time, the story was set in. Peter was also a interesting character. The authors kept his arrogance and self-confidence, which was quite funny to read (but also sometimes a little bit annoying). However, it still felt like, he is one of the good guys.
Which is actually quite interesting, if I think about what creature he is in this book. Although - as it is discovered - not all things are like most people think and not every monster bites.

The accurate research of the authors made the historical setting quite realistic. Also the adaptation of the fairy-tale was very nicely and quite refreshing. Further, the political part was quite challenging. So over all, this different elements fit together really good and made in total a very interesting story.

The end of the book was also quite adventorous and surprising. It is quite open and makes you want to read the second novel.

Nice composition of politics, historical setting and fairy-tale-adaptation. I give the book 4 out of 5 stars :)

Autoren:  Erin Michelle Sky & Steven Brown
Verlag: Trash Dogs Media LLC
Sprache: Englisch
Veröffentlichung: 16. Januar 2018
ISBN-10:  1946137065
ISBN-13: 978-1946137067
Seiten: 294
(Daten beziehen sich auf die Print-Ausgabe)

Vielen Dank an Netgalley und den Verlag für das Reziexemplar <3
Thank you to Netgalley for the review copy <3

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