Hallo Ihr Lieben - heute mal wieder eine englische Rezi :)
Dieses englische Selfpublisher-Buch gibt es aber auch auf Deutsch.
Hier der Klappentext:
The year is 2091. With accelerated warming and global population out of
control, the survival of humanity hangs in the balance. On the brink of
extinction, science delivers one last hope. Human hibernation. Jennifer
Logan is a tough cop in the newly formed Duality Division, tasked with
enforcing hibernation. When she uncovers a memory, hidden deep within
her mind, her belief in the system she protects is shattered. Together
with an unlikely partner, and convinced that her past holds the secret
to mankind’s future, she embarks on a dangerous search for the truth,
one that rapidly turns into a struggle for her life. Pursued by the very
people she once trusted, Logan must risk everything for answers. As her
world unravels and the layers of deceit are revealed, she is forced to
question everything and use all of her skills to survive. In The Whisper
of Stars, author Nick Jones delivers a breathtaking, sinister vision of
the future, where nothing is what it seems. He shows us that some
secrets cannot stay buried, no matter how deep.
(Quelle: amazon)Meine Meinung:
I think the cover is quite nice. I like the stars and the woman and the color scheme. However, I must admit, I think it is a little misleading. It feels a little bit to spacy. Yes, it is a sci-fi-novel, but the story does not really has something to do with spaceships or anything like that. Maybe the title is here also a little misleading as well. As the meaning of the title does so far not really has a true relation to the stars, only a metaphoric one.
The writing style was quite fluent and mostly simple. The book is written from the non-personal perspective of mostly Jen and Nathan.
Jen is quite a interesting character. Throughout the book she discovers a lot of secrets, which leads to a breakdown of her whole world and also her views, how she sees the world. From my point of view, she copped quite well with all that. She showed really great bravery. I also liked that, although her world was trembling apart, she kept her convictions and always stayed true to herself in some way. Nathan was a quite sympathetic man. You could really feel his loss and longing for redemption and getting information. It was nice to follow his development and seeing him partly overcome his grief.
I'd really like to write, that the main idea of the story was quite nice - but unfortunately I am not 100% sure, I totally got it. At the beginning I was quite fond of the idea of hibernation, although I did not know, what it really is. This did not change until the end of the book. I still don't know, what Hibernation really is. I think a few (would not have been so many) explanations on that topic would have helped me a lot. The other part about Jens past and the big secret was quit interesting and it was interesting to find out some details there. But also here I would have liked more information. For sure, the book is not a standalone and some parts are probably kept for later books, but I really think, that some more information - some more light in all this knowledge-darkness - would have been also been good in this first installment.
The showdown at the end was quite full of action. On the other hand it also got really emotional and was quite sad. I am really unsure, how the author wants to progess with this story in book 2.
Nice characters, solid writing, but I longed for more information - I give the book good 3 out of 5 stars ;)
Autorin: Nick Jones
Verlag: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Sprache: English
Veröffentlichung: 30. April 2014
ISBN-10: 1499315090
ISBN-13: 978-1499315097
Seiten: 296
(Daten beziehen sich auf die Print-Ausgabe)
I thank the author for the review copy <3
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