Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2018

The Last Oracle 1 - The Book of Secrets, Melissa McShane

Hallo alle,

passend zum Monatsstart habe ich heute wieder eine Rezi für euch :) - wieder eine Englische

Hier der Klappentext:
Helena Davies just wants a job that will get her out of her parents’ basement. Abernathy’s Bookstore is disorganized, out of the way, and smells funny, but it pays well and promises to at least be interesting. She has no idea how interesting her life will become. By the end of the first day, Helena has a dead boss in the basement, an unexpected promotion, and the news that she is now a part of an endless war against creatures from another reality.

As Abernathy’s newest custodian, Helena is responsible for its secrets, including the most important one: Abernathy’s isn’t just a bookstore. It’s the world’s only living oracle, producing prophecies to help fight the war against alien invaders bent on draining this world of its magic. Helena’s job is to find books to answer questions put to the oracle by the Wardens, fighters in the Long War. It seems simple enough, but Helena’s new job is anything but.

She has allies: her best friend Viv, from whom she has no secrets; Harry and Harriet Keller, elderly magi skilled at uncovering secrets; and the enigmatic Malcolm Campbell, warrior magus and one of the few who have faith in Helena’s abilities. But not everyone is thrilled that an outsider now has charge of one of the world’s most powerful magical entities. Helena must defend herself against the antagonism of Judy Rasmussen, who’d expected to be the next custodian of Abernathy’s, and her father William, powerful leader of the Wardens and someone with an agenda of his own.

Without training, without any knowledge of the magical world, and facing the hostility of those who’d wanted someone else to be Abernathy’s custodian, Helena must navigate the treacherous waters of her new world and find a place for herself within it. But there’s still a murderer on the loose, someone who intended to control Abernathy’s by killing its custodian—and Helena might be next on his list.
(Quelle: amazon)

My Opinion:
The cover is quite appealing. I like the bookstore in the back and also the magical sparkles. In the front there is shown Helena. The title design is also really nice.

The writing style was quite simple and fluently readable. The story is written from the personal perspective of Helena. The chapters are quite short, as the book itself in general is as well. For me the book felt like a start of a series, rather then a whole big story of its own.

Helena is a nice girl. So far, she does not know, what she really wants in life. However, with becoming the new custodian of Abernathy's everything changes for her and it feels like she is finding her place in the world. The other characters were also quite nice. Although I was not really fond of the crush Helena had for Malcom. It felt for me a little bit too childish and I could not really empathize with it.

The main idea of the story was really nice. The concept with the custodians was quite innovative. I also liked the two political parties and their description, although I would have longed for more details there.

The end felt a little akward. It was quite certain. Overall, the book and the story inside were quite short. It felt like the story just started. Maybe a longer book as starter would have been great. Also the showdown was a little obvious.

Nice main idea, solid characters - I give 3 out of 5 stars ;)

Autorin:  Melissa McShane
Verlag: Curiosity Quills Press
Sprache: English
Veröffentlichung: 20. Februar 2018
ISBN-10:  1948099632
ISBN-13: 978-1948099639
Seiten: 196
(Daten beziehen sich auf die Print-Ausgabe)

Thank you to Netgalley for the review example <3

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